Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Larry Sultan

Larry Sultan
Los Angeles, Early Evening
I love this shot taken by Larry Sultan. It was the only picture to draw me in and capture my attention. I think it is just because there are so many things to observe in this picture. The first thing to capture my attention were the branches of the tree. This might just be because I love nature shots, but the tree just looks so interesting. It also frames the house perfectly. The tree captures your attention and then brings it to the man standing in the window. The lighting drastically changes in this point of the picture and the man seems to be gazing out the window and thinking. Maybe he is admiring the tree like me. The next thing that grabbed my attention was the ladder in the yard. The contrast of the white ladder with the dark green yard and deep pink flowers really makes it pop. The ladder, with the line of its left leg, then leads your attention into the next subject. The subject being the smaller flower garden and large rock.
I really love the usage of colors in this photograph. It has so many yet they are all of similar hues. The contrast of cool and warm colors is really eye-catching as well. I also think the use of lines in this image is really helpful when it comes to the rhythm of the picture. The use of these lines guides the eye through this photo and makes it a little less complex. Which is good. Overall I think this is a wonderful picture and catches the viewer’s attention perfectly.

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